
People are trolling Philip Pullman over his Brexit 50p boycott and he’s taking them down one at a time

His Dark Materials author Philip Pullman isn’t the only person who’s not happy with the so-called Brexit 50p piece, but he is amongst the most famous (and vocal) about it.

The novelist took to Twitter to vent his displeasure about the coin, and in particular the absence of this.

‘The ‘Brexit’ 50p coin is missing an Oxford comma, and should be boycotted by all literate people.’

There was no shortage of people agreeing with him. People like this person, for instance.

But there were also lots of people who took issue with Pullman, and he took them down one tweet at a time.

Others just had questions, although Pullman was happy to put them right as well.

But if you think he’s grumpy about Oxford commas, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.


The Brexit 50p coin is about to land and these 15 people aren’t keen on the change