
Clothing labels are getting creative – 19 funny favourites

We’re not convinced that many people pay attention to clothing labels, apart from perhaps a cursory glance to see what temperature to set on the washing machine and to idly wonder what the funky symbols mean.

But if these labels are anything to go by, we should all be looking a little more closely, because we could be missing absolute gold.

1. It makes you feel like there’s a pea under your mattress.

2. Is size s for sassy, like whoever wrote that label?

3. Already on it.

4. Top tip. Or bottom tip.

5. Or your money back?

6. You can leave your friends behind.

7. How about if they wore two pairs at once?

8. Ain’t that the tooth.

9. Then iron the design.

10. Or leave the kid in it and handwash in the bath.