This guy’s anti-science theory about the moon wasn’t the gotcha he thought
This conversation between an anti-science fanatic and – well – someone who isn’t an idiot is a wild ride.
We’d love to think this was a joke, but we’ve seen too many Facebook posts to hold out much hope.
So what does genius think the moon is made from? Cheese? Yeah, we all now how cheese glows in the dark.
I just lost brain cells reading this.
I can feel them dying.
Wrong again? I need to see this persons next message. Also, who ties his shoes for him in the morning?
BeerLeagueSnipesTie his shoes, who is breathing for him. This is some next level stupid.
Where natural selection at?
“Science is a scourge to facts” – translation: I’m just too damn stupid to argue with, so don’t even bother.
u/AdvocateDoogy wanted to delve a little deeper.
I wanna find this guy and interview him. It’d be a very interesting piece on what life is like when your head is jammed firmly up your own arse.
Anti-masker versus science goes exactly as you’d expect
Source r/facepalm Image r/facepalm, photo-graphe on Pixabay