
Kwasi Kwarteng had a wild defence of the PM for cutting fraud from the crime figures

During an exchange in the House of Commons at the end of January, Boris Johnson claimed that crime had fallen by 14 per cent under the Tories. Well, colour me astonished but that turned out not to be true.

Yes, it’s shocking – we know – but that didn’t stop the Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng from defending the lie when he spoke to Sophie Raworth on Sunday Morning.

“He said that the government is cutting crime by 14 per cent. It isn’t true because he hadn’t included in that figure …fraud and computer misuse.

The UK Chair of the Statistics Authority says if fraud and computer misuse are counted in total crime, as they should be, total crime in fact increased …by 14 per cent.”

“People are talking about burglaries, about personal injury, physical crimes, and I think in that context we’re seeing lower crimes – I think the prime minister is right.”

People weren’t buying it.






