The dolefully dancing kiwifruits that welcomed Jacinda Ardern might be peak Japan
After New Zealand locked down so hard to try and restrict the spread of Covid-19, it must feel wonderful for the country’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, to be travelling overseas again.
Her first trip has found her in East Asia, where she travelled from Singapore to Japan, to be treated to this extraordinary sight.
This is the greatest day of my life pic.twitter.com/KIp4bP7h8u
— henry cooke (@henrycooke) April 21, 2022
Dolefully dancing kiwifruit is at once both the most appropriate greeting for a New Zealand official – and the least. The melancholy Japanese folk song Moon Over the Ruined Castle leant the proceedings an even more surreal air, which we wouldn’t have thought possible.
It wasn’t the only unusual activity on offer for Ms Ardern.
This event also featured Ardern being challenged to a calligraphy challenge. Truly Japan knows content. pic.twitter.com/VBbx1Xkovf
— henry cooke (@henrycooke) April 21, 2022
It says kiwifruit, in case you were wondering. It’s like an activity camp, organised by a healthy-eating committee of the Department for Health.
The spectacle went down very well with tweeters.
Top five funniest things I have ever seen https://t.co/DrDt9BahCA
— Jane Coaston (@janecoaston) April 21, 2022
I love this Business Presentation norm in Japan.
A PowerPoint on the market potential of importing Kiwi Fruit, while mascots sway mournfully in the background.And serious 50 year old dudes in suits just accept it. Yep. This is just what happens at these things.
— miles sebastian (@milessebastian1) April 21, 2022
Japan: How should we welcome the Prime Minister of New Zealand?
Japan: Dancing Kiwi fruit mascots, of course. https://t.co/G73HRQF6Ni
— Patrick Chovanec (@prchovanec) April 21, 2022
"ok guys, we're holding a ceremony to welcome the prime minister of new zealand, let's get two guys dressed up as kiwis to dance in her honour" https://t.co/ogTjRF3jtJ
— alexandre afonso (@alexandreafonso) April 21, 2022
this is my own personal equivalent of an eyes wide shut party https://t.co/HyVV4zTSyk
— Miss Gender (@girldrawsghosts) April 21, 2022
There is context to this but you don't need to know it. https://t.co/v3FlDCOhiP
— Elaine Scattermoon (@scattermoon) April 21, 2022
I did not have melancholy dancing kiwis on my foreign affairs bingo card today 😂 https://t.co/fSpViTM7f4
— Kathleen O'Grady (@kathleenogrady) April 22, 2022
— Luiseach Ní Nia (@Luiseach) April 21, 2022
i'm crying what is this 😭😭😭 why does it sound like a funeral for kiwis https://t.co/ZmMTZA4Rdb
— ㅎㅅㅎ 🎌 (@logbooth) April 22, 2022
Strong FotC New Zealand Town vibes from this. All that’s missing is the reveal that it was Bret and Jemaine in the kiwi costumes https://t.co/EGuHOt8lzT
— DocHackenbush (@DocHackenbush) April 21, 2022
Chris Barrett-Molloy had mixed feelings.
Japan simultaneously fascinates and scares me. https://t.co/QuGvVoBYo2
— Chris Barrett-Molloy (@cr15b) April 21, 2022
People loved the New Zealand PM’s response about the Easter Bunny in lockdown
Source Henry Cooke Image Screengrab