
If you only watch one Liz Truss interview today – make it this hilariously accurate parody

As part of her so-called comeback, Liz Truss gave an interview to her friends at The Spectator. It wasn’t the slickest political posturing we’ve ever seen.

She admitted to having sacked Kwasi Kwarteng because it was basically him or her, but it obviously turned out to be him and her.

You could watch the whole thing here, if you fancy cringing yourself inside out, but you can get the gist of it far quicker and with added deliberately funny moments by watching this sketch from the very talented actor, writer and comedian, Susan Harrison.

I’ve spent many hours soul searching to find out what other people have done wrong.

There it is in a nutshell.

There’s only one problem with the sketch – sort of.

As well as Twitter, you can find Susan on Instagram and YouTube or keep track of all her work through her website.


19 best reactions to the rumours of Liz Truss’ attempted comeback

Source Susan Harrison (@SueHarrison123) Image Screengrab