‘The calmest man I have ever seen’
A Redditor named u/Fuzzy-Quit-9297 describes this drunken wedding guest as –
The calmest man I have ever seen
The calmest man I have ever seen
by u/Fuzzy-Quit-9297 in funny
We think the odds are good that they’re spot on, because most people would have been slightly more flapped than that. However, we are contractually obliged to tell you not to try it at home. Don’t dance on fires, kids.
Here’s what people had to say about his antics.
The man wants to party and won’t let no Gawdamn stinkin fire get in his way.
Ghoulius Caesar
She said… “I need you to calm down.”
Lady, have you been watching this guy?
He’s calm as fuck already. That’s not the issue.
That is known as a druncle. We all have our favorite druncle.
tokenofmyefectionI wish he was my eccentric uncle.
I don’t know if I’m just exhausted and need to go to sleep but I belly laughed at this for like five minutes just now.
His dancing was on fire!
Like a video game character picking up a new weapon.
u/gotmewrong66 channelled their inner Sherlock.
He’s drunk as hell.
We can’t disagree with u/Dimitry_Joffer‘s response.
He’s drunk as hell indeed, and yet he managed to put out the fire better than most sober people I’ve seen in videos like that.
Although, to be honest, we don’t think there are many videos like that.
People are buzzing at how this drunken man joined the search party that was hunting for him
Source r/funny Image Screengrab