
This Weird Al anecdote shows what a legend he truly is

Someone named u/ryzenthebestnsfw reposted this showbiz anecdote about the absolutely brilliant “Weird” Al Yankovic, that shows just how treasured he is by those in the know.

In case that isn’t clear, here it is again –

One of my favorite stories I’ve heard about Weird Al was when [sic] the moment he realized he had finally ‘made it.’ This was in the early 80’s.

He had been invited to a music industry party and wasn’t really sure if he would go or not. He didn’t think anyone knew about him or cared. When he got the party, he heard someone yell from across the room, “Holy shit! It’s Weird Al! Weird Al is here!”

He looked over and saw it was actually Paul McCartney who yelled it.

We can see why that would be a signal that you’d reached some kind of entertainment benchmark. Reddit users had more stories and comments about the eternally wholesome entertainer.

Madonna actually even went to him rather than the other way around for like a surgeon

Oh, and in forty years, nobody has ever left his band. No guitarists disappearing because of band drama. No drummers disappearing after drug disasters. No leaving for a solo career.
No fallouts over love triangles. Just nearly half a century of awesome music and good times.


Considering Sir Paul began writing “Yesterday” as a song about scrambled eggs, I can very well believe he is a fan.

Weird Al is an International treasure.

He’s an amazing performer as well. Saw him last year and was blown away.

He could easily fill in for just about any rock band’s lead singer

Putting “Weird” in your name shows incredible confidence in your identity.

What goes around comes around. u/amilliamilliamilliam shared this Weird Al trivia.

On a similar note, Nirvana knew they had made it when Weird Al called and asked if he could parody them. They were playing on SNL when they got the call, but Weird Al was a bigger deal.

And on that note …


Weird Al had the best possible response to Kid Rock’s new video

Source r/wholesomememes Image r/wholesomememes, Screengrab