
This restaurant’s six-course takedown of a nitpicking review deserves a Michelin star all its own

It’s always entertaining when a business – invariably a bar or restaurant – takes the time out to give an unfair review the forensic takedown it deserves.

And this one is up there with the very best, after a diner called Frank – despite opening his review with 3 stars – left a particularly whiny, nit-picking review.

And the eaterie’s delicious six-course response was Michelin starred stuff.

Deserves a Michelin star all of its own!

‘Poor Frank didn’t know what he was in for after leaving his review,’ said Redditor YellowDog1970 who shared it on the subReddit ‘murdered by words’.

And here are just a few of the things people said about it.

‘Beautiful. And I would love to see your $200 handmade kimono.’

‘The older I get, the more I can appreciate a slow burn that doesnt require deliberate attacks for retribution.’

‘He got roasted on applewood low and slow.’

‘They were 100% wearing their $200 custom made, floor length kimono while crafting that response.’

‘Murdered so sweetly with a swat on the butt and a gentle kiss on the forehead. Absolutely beautiful.’

Source Reddit u/YellowDog1970 Image Unsplash Matteo Steger