
18 times r/shittytattoos did exactly what it says on the tin

There’s no need to explain what Reddit’s r/shittytattoos is about, and – as they say on social media – the name checks out.

Some were a really shitty idea to start with, while others were just so badly executed we fear for the safety of the tattoo ‘artist’ once the customer saw the result.

These 18 are prime examples.

1. ‘Turns out it’s a tattoo, not an infectious disease’


2. ‘His lips look like a blown out asshole.’


3. ‘My first and only tattoo. It seemed like a good idea when I was 18’


4. ‘My coworker got this, what do we think?’


5. ‘Tried to camouflage a birthmark.’


6. ‘Why get a haircut when you can get this?’


7. ‘Holy shit …this is terrible, Jesus Christ.’


8. ‘My shitty tattoo that’s supposed to say “born to die”. I had to stop him because just this took him 2,5 hours and I was just done with his shit.’


9. ‘Gets worse the longer you look.’
