The unexpected plot twist in this giant trawler catch is today’s most jaw-dropping thing
We were expecting a plot twist in the video of this massive trawler catch, but it absolutely, definitely, 100% wasn’t this.
‘You're gonna need a bigger boat’
pic.twitter.com/KsP2TvVuLx— Science girl (@gunsnrosesgirl3) November 8, 2023
We thought maybe the boat was going to tip, or the dog was going to go in, but … seriously.
These fishermen have accidentally caught a Steller's sea lion
— Science girl (@gunsnrosesgirl3) November 8, 2023
He was like: "wow sorry guys thats awkward"
— zbigi (@zbigi15) November 8, 2023
I thought the boat would capsize
— MissFacto (@missfacto) November 8, 2023
The guy was peacefully having his dinner in the sea until they caught him
— Shaza’s Art (@Chaza_artist) November 8, 2023
I feel bad for it , it was probably exhausted and coulda used a break after being trapped in the net
— Shannon3095 (@shannon3095) November 9, 2023
To conclude …
Bro spawned in like an ambush enemy if you collect the loot https://t.co/YMAG9neqmO
— OvO (@j_stocky) November 8, 2023
Source @gunsnrosesgirl3 @spellboundman