This comic’s smackdown of a troll who accused him of a ‘shameless’ plug of his live show is the most brutal thing you’ll read this week
Late we know but leading contender for takedown of the week is surely this, an exchange with comedian Lewis Spears which has just gone viral over on Reddit for reasons which will become obvious.
‘Going to need to take a lap to walk that one off,’ said adamempathy who shared it.
Mega oof.
‘This should be a pinned post, that was brutal.’
BrightMountain8519‘I read it and just stared at my phone in shock for a solid 10 seconds before I laughed. Kyle got bodied.’
adamempathy‘Do you think he deliberately called him by a different name Kyle rather than Kylan as an additional form of disrespect? I wish I could be this witty.’
Kay89leigh‘Lewis Spears has a video where he was in the middle of doing a joke about Prince Phillip and someone in the audience goes “he just died”. The look of glee on his face needs to be seen.‘
Just in case, like this person, you were wondering …
‘He’s advertising his show in the middle of his own show? I’m a bit confused … Wouldn’t the people watching the show know what the show is? Sorry I feel like I’m missing some details.’
MANWithTheHARMONlCA‘He does YouTube videos and was advertising his live show in one of those videos :)’
And you find him – @LewSpears – on YouTube here!
Source Lewis Spears Reddit adamempathy