
26 ‘They didn’t think it through’ moments from r/CrappyDesign

14. Needs a rethink on both the font and the spacing


15. They should probably have put the Arts department in a different wing


16. When you want the stairs to look great even if they’re neck-breakingly dangerous


17. When you hate kids but love recycling


18. Bad design or a haunted toy?


19. Did they really have to go in this order?


20. What are they serving?


21. Adopt, and if you love animals Don’t stop eating them! Shop!


22. I’ll pass, thanks


23. Clear as mud


24. Analytical technology company problems


25. A bad place to make the cut


26. Who needs privacy?



I can’t believe I found this in the wild! Found at the Crystal Palace in Las Vegas.
byu/DaftAquarian inCrappyDesign


Simply 40 epic design fails that are hilarious and occasionally infuriating

Source r/CrappyDesign Image Screengrab