
Louis Theroux wins our favourite celebrity comeback of the year after Piers Morgan said he could ‘destroy him in 30 seconds’

Here are two of our favourite things all at once – Louis Theroux, obviously, and Piers Morgan getting owned, all at the same time.

It happened after Louis went on Twitter to big up his new series of celebrity interviews – in this case, with former heavyweight world champion, Anthony Joshua.

The pair discuss who Louis could possibly box, and the name of Piers Morgan came up. Not only that, Theroux said: ‘I think I could take him.’

And with a grim sense of inevitably it caught the attention of Morgan, who took time out from counting his Talk TV viewers to let Theroux know exactly what he made of that.

And we’re very glad he did, because Theroux’s response was a total knockout.

At which point Morgan was bouncing dazed off the ropes and the referee stepped in to stop the fight.

When he eventually raised himself from the canvas, Morgan responsed with this, but by then the judges had packed up and gone home.

If it’s put you in the mind for a bit more Louis, there’s a whole bunch of him on the iPlayer here! And follow him here.

Source @louistheroux