Pics funny

18 endearingly embarrassing old photos from r/blunderyears

Over on Reddit, there’s a forum named r/blunderyears or ‘Blunder Years: pictures from a regrettable past’. Let’s face it, the person who has no embarrassing old photos has either destroyed them all or has no shame.

We’ve gathered some beautifully and hilariously cringeworthy examples – all willingly submitted by the subjects.

1. “Remember when you’d shove sand in your bathing suit to make it look like you pooped?”


2. “My grade 8 graduation photo, (they told us we can bring whatever prop we wanted)”


3. “It was the Seventies. Disco was King and I was its Satiny, Sequined Queen!”


4. “In 2010 I photoshopped myself into a picture with my favourite band and posted it, publicly, to Facebook.”


5. “Crimping was key.”


6. “I was 14 and thought I looked like Ke$ha. To this day, my friend still has this posted in one of her Facebook albums.”


7. “I think my ego was a little over the top when I took my senior photos (2012)”


8. “This took hours of work and involved copious amounts of unflavored gelatin. I still remember the pain of trying to fit a t shirt over my head to get ready for gym class.”


9. “2008… I’m an opera singer now”
