Celebrity election Rishi Sunak

Sewing Bee legend Patrick Grant’s Rishi Sunak verdict really wasn’t messing around and had everyone cheering

We’ve always liked Patrick Grant ever since we started watching The Great British Sewing Bee and it turns out he’s just as charming and straight talking in real life as he is on the BBC1 show.

The clothing entrepreneur who recently gave M&S socks both barrels, was on the BBC’s Debate Night show when he was asked about Rishi Sunak’s surprise election announcement.

And his no-nonsense verdict had everyone cheering.

Stitch that!

‘I can’t help feeling that we have had a Conservative government that has done more harm and less good to both the country and the general population, than any government in my 50 years.

‘Most governments in the past, whatever way you vote, you could probably point to something they’ve done something better for somebody.

‘But I genuinely can’t think of anything this government has done that has made anything better for anybody.

‘I could probably spend the next hour listing things that they’ve made worse.’

And here are just a few of the many things people said in response.


Nigel Farage has passed up the opportunity to lose an eighth UK election – 16 utterly unsurprised responses

Source @paddygrant