Politics election Lib Dems

Ed Davey’s moving video about caring for his son proves he isn’t (just) this election’s laughing stock

Ed Davey’s moving video about caring for his son proves he isn’t this election’s laughing stock

Up until yesterday, Ed Davey’s election campaign had been the butt of jokes made by online pundits. And it’s easy to see why. With Labour predicted to walk into Number 10 come July 5th, it looked like the Liberal Democrat leader wasn’t taking the political race seriously.

This is just a smattering of his larks.

It hadn’t gone unnoticed that compared to the other parties, the Lib Dems were the comic relief.

Even his ill-timed fine for speeding on the M1 was treated as the latest in a long line of his clownish japes.

So it was all the more surprising when he decided to shift into serious gear yesterday with a video where he talks about caring for his disabled teenage son, John, and the wider importance of social care in our society.

And it’s gone viral because it’s pulled on people’s heartstrings in a way that none of the other parties have.

Has he turned his image around? Because all of these people were moved rather than amused.

Even fellow Ed and former Labour MP Ed Balls heaped on the praise.

It even put all of his previous stunts in a new light.

So could this be the start of a new chapter in his political career? People seem to hope so.

To conclude …

Source @EdwardJDavey