‘What’s something you’re looking forward to doing when you’re old?’ 18 gloriously mature responses
“I cannot stress it enough, how excited I am to have a rocking chair.”
“Having the experience and knowledge that comes with having lived a long life. I really want to be wise.
“Also not having to filter what I say because old people get a pass for blurting out controversial stuff.”
“Falling asleep in my chair and then adamantly insisting I wasn’t asleep if someone wakes me up.”
“Going to a diner alone to make everyone sad. Maybe bring a photo of my still alive wife to set on the table to really ruin people’s days.”
“Just being a little wiser , kinder and definitely have the time for more books , music and movies lol.”
“Becoming the neighborhood witch whose yard the kids are afraid to go into to get their frisbee. Except then I’ll give out king-size candy bars for Halloween. Gotta keep them on their toes.”
“Once I hit a certain point, I’m done shaving for “appearances” I’ll be that old man with the big beard because who gives a sh*t.”
“Exaggerating the pandemic as the struggle story whenever youngins complain. ‘When I was your age, we didn’t even have toilet paper. We weren’t allowed to leave the house for 10 years’.”
“Do you what’s best about retirement? I can stay up as late as I damn well please, which I love, then sleep as late as I damn well please. I can then lounge in bed for as long as I want! It’s fabulous.”
Source: Reddit/AskReddit/AlgorithmOmega
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