Watch the penny-drop moment this right-leaning podcaster learns that it’s not China who will pay Trump’s massive tariffs
One of Trump’s biggest policies is the introduction of very high tariffs, particularly on Chinese goods.
Trump announces he is considering raising taxes on imported goods to “one thousand percent” pic.twitter.com/TCtNTNeCge
— Kamala HQ (@KamalaHQ) October 10, 2024
While the general rule is that any Trump quote starting with “Sir, _” simply didn’t happen, the Former Guy talks about this a lot, and it’s clear he thinks the tariffs will be imposed on China, rather than the US companies importing Chinese goods.
If Trump says it, his fans believe it, and that was quite evident when left-leaning talk radio host David Pakman spoke to Sean Kelly on the Digital Social Hour podcast
@davidpakmanshow Trump STILL Doesn't Understand How Tariffs Work #davidpakman ♬ original sound – David Pakman
“The American company who brings the goods in pays the tariffs.”
“You’re kidding right now?”
“No, I thought he said he was raising the tariffs by 50 to 100 per cent for Chinese imports.”
“A lot of people don’t understand how tariffs work, which is sad because this is how people end up getting sucked into Trump’s vortex.
Although high tariffs on imports could create a greater demand for US-made products or materials, much of what it currently imports from China simply isn’t available from US manufacturers.
Faces were duly palmed.
The fact that even he was confused about tariffs proves they believe anything Trump says.
Proves the pro-Trump pundits are not educated in the basic economics and civics needed to weigh in on who should be President.
robot taylor
Anyone who advocates for mass tariffs simply doesn’t understand economics.
The clip quickly found its way to Twitter/X.
Is the average US citizen actually this dumb? God help us pic.twitter.com/XjJjE6uNZl
— chris evans (@notcapnamerica) October 11, 2024
People were no more impressed than they had been on TikTok.
Amazing https://t.co/L627LbWbO9
— Otto English (@Otto_English) October 11, 2024
This is how tariffs work. Across the board tariffs are a tax and insane. https://t.co/DW59Y1mTXn
— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) October 11, 2024
We REALLY need to do something about education in this country. Holy shit. https://t.co/zbxCYL6EFs
— Roger ZenAF (@RogerZenAF) October 12, 2024
Trump thinks the tariffs will dissuade people from buying imports, thereby decreasing imports & hurting the exporting country.
But in many cases, there are no alternatives.
Take Scotch.
In 2019, a bottle of Laphroaig was $40. After his tariffs, $60+.
Nowhere else to get it.
— ℙ ℙ ⭐️ (@Cheap_Knockoff) October 11, 2024
I honestly don’t think his understanding even goes that far. He seems to think that tariffs are paid by the other country and that it can replace tax revenue.
— chris evans (@notcapnamerica) October 11, 2024
This is a good breakdown on how Trump’s tariffs are actually a massive, inflationary TAX on American companies and consumers. Putting tariffs anywhere from 20% to 200% on EVERY imported product, as Trump has proposed, would I think the technical term is fuck the US economy. https://t.co/RBtTrbGiZe
— Josh Freed (@jsfreed) October 12, 2024
I keep coming back to this quote, and it’s more true every fucking day. https://t.co/CZryFpxUTK pic.twitter.com/TjVIDXJYiv
— Malachite Riot (fuck blue checks) (@MalachiteRiot) October 11, 2024
Why does Trump like them? Because tariffs do not require Congress consent, and it increases the US revenue. US government collects tariffs like taxes. It will bring in money for him to spend. It will offset his rich tax cuts/make it look like he’s getting foreign countries to…
— Liberal is a compliment! (@LadyBlueInCA) October 11, 2024
please watch this if you do not understand tariffs https://t.co/iGHfu7g2mx
— giggly ♡ (@xgigglypuff) October 11, 2024
There's a reason why that side rails against higher education, bc this is Econ 101 review stuff and a large number of Americans don't get how tariffs work. https://t.co/YGRR4EGBVA
— KD Drummond (@KDDrummondNFL) October 11, 2024
“Mexico will pay for the border wall…..”
“Yes I’ll be releasing my income tax returns shortly….”
And we all know how that worked out
— (@HarlemJ11) October 11, 2024
Do any of the podcast bros know wtf they’re talking about? Kinda scary to think how many people take them seriously
— Ritley (@RitleySammich) October 11, 2024
It was all too familiar for DFlindy.
I argued with a family member for over thirty minutes the other day about this. Finally broke it down Barney style with a visual and it clicked for him….then he said, ‘whatever, he’s going to take away income tax and I don’t buy Chinese shit anyway”.
Then I sent him the news…
— DFlindy (@FlindyD) October 11, 2024
Trump’s response to a question on funding childcare made even less sense than his boat-shark dilemma
Source David Pakman Image Screengrab, Screengrab