‘What’s the craziest thing that has happened at your work Christmas party?’ – 23 NSFW festive sackable offences
‘Coworker had be carried like Jesus to the cross after emptying a bottle of cider. Non-alcoholic cider. We told him it wasn’t alcoholic and he still acted drunk. He got drunk off a placebo effect.’
‘We were wrapping up our Christmas party with Girls Just Wanna Have Fun and one of the drunk overweight managers jumped around on the dance floor, the first time she has exercised in YEARS. She snapped her ankle! The sad part was when she lost her job 3 months later because the pain prevented her from being productive at work.’
‘Had a big party in a posh hotel but it then came out that work had a 250 cleanup bill because someone took a shit in the foyer.
‘There were a few rumours as to who was the suspected culprit but no proof until one day a video appeared of the CCTV footage of a colleague stumbling out of the party room, stopping, unzipping and just letting loose in front of horrified staff to shocked to stop him in time. It was also exactly who everyone expected it to be as well.’
‘In the first hour of the party, the CEO grabbed a microphone and lectured us all to not ‘get wasted and embarrass the company tonight’.
‘Four hours later, we watched him argue with his pregnant wife about which of them was going to drive since she was stone-cold sober and he was shit-faced. He got pulled over not 50 feet out of the restaurant parking lot and we all watched him get arrested for DUI while still wearing his blinking Santa hat.’
‘Company used to rent a hotel ballroom for big Christmas party for all 400 employees that cared to attend (and even subsidised hotel rooms in case of drinking).
‘HR Director got shitfaced drunk, took off her panties and started twerking/humping random male employees on the dance floor (in front of their partners). Two HR people came out and tried to get her under control, but were also shitfaced. All three ended up literally rolling around on the floor laughing and fighting anyone who tried to get them up and to a room to calm down. Then the vomiting started.
‘We haven’t had a Christmas party since.’
‘One of the staff did a handstand in short dress with no underwear on. A different staff member who was beyond wasted was trying to do a striptease on the bar.’
‘Wall Street in the early 2000s. A banker bit another banker’s ear off over a love triangle with a coworker.’
‘Party at the dealership owner’s house. Getting late in the night, everyone is drunk. He gets on the mic and says “$500 to the first naked person in the pool”
‘The HR lady/Head of Accounting/Dealership controller ran past me before he finished the sentence, naked as a Jay-bird. Parts director asked her out a week later, and they’ve now been married for 12 years or so.’
‘Used to work in IT for a mid sized UK law firm. Company went all out and hired a fancy hotel for our Xmas do. Pre-dinner drinks are happening and some of the trainees had decided pre-pre-dinner drinks were a good idea.
‘That idea proved to be a bad choice when a trainee threw up in the lap of the MANAGING PARTNERS WIFE before we’d even been shown into the dining room.’
‘I used to work in a work hard , play hard company with a heavy drinking culture in Yorkshire in the UK in the 90s. This is the story of one of the most epic Christmas parties. Manufacturing company about 100 managerial staff 80/20 male female split, open bar, fancy country house hotel on an island in a golf course with a single pedestrian bridge to access. Fancy frocks for the ladies and suits for the boys.
‘Cold, freezing night, hit the bar on arrival, band playing music, greeting us hello. Food served in the formal dining room, and even by this point, about an hour after arrival, many of the us were seriously pissed, and after a bottle each at dinner, the rest followed. We started the delicious meal, then at desert, a single profiterole flew across the room and hit one of the admins, making a chocolate mess on her vivid blue satin ballgown.
‘That was it. War was declared, and a food fight broke out. Just like Bugsy Malone. The hotel manager was really angry, our CEO took him aside, and I assume, settled the matter with a fat backhander.’
‘Fist fight over someone winning a 32″ flat screen TV. This was back in like 2006 or 2007. Our company never held a Christmas party again after that.’
‘At an advertising party. Some new girl got very very drunk. She’d just been promoted from receptionist to account. She got drunk enough that she went around grabbing dudes in the crotch. I think she got at least 3-4 until HR caught wind. HR pulled her aside and realised the only good move was to literally take her home in a car right now. She threw up on the HR person in the car ride home. Never saw her again.’
A woman asked what men ‘have to put up with’ and these 13 man babies bawled loudest
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