US donald trump

Barbara Walters’ 1990 grilling of Donald Trump is making people miss hard-hitting interviews of the President Elect

Back in 1990, veteran journalist Barbara Walters interviewed Donald Trump for ABC’s 20/20 news show, just after the publication of his book Trump: Surviving at the Top.

As well as criticising his parenting skills, she picked at Trump’s self-described image as a great businessman, and challenged many claims from the book. He was not a happy bunny.

Here’s a snippet of that interview.

Trump: I’ve never seen press reporting as I have with regard to me. I hope the general public understands how inherently dishonest the press in this country is.

Walters: As a member of the press, let me try to clear up some of the things which you say are untrue. You write in your book, “My bankers and I worked out a terrific deal. It allows me to come out stronger than ever. I see the deal as a great victory, and eventually, the rest of the world will, too.”

Being on the verge of bankruptcy, being bailed out by the banks …

Skating on thin ice and almost drowning. That’s a business man to be admired?

Trump: You say on the verge of bankruptcy, Barbara, and you talk on the verge, and you listen to what people are sayin –

Walters: I talked to your bankers.

That’s 34 years ago, and he was already well into his ‘fake media’ phase.

It reminded people that the President Elect can, in fact, be held to account. Here’s what they’ve been saying about it.












It was clearly a turning point in at least some people’s opinion of Trump.

Good instincts.


Time Magazine is expected to make Trump their Person of the Year, and it’s as popular a choice as you’d expect

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