‘What did you buy as an adult because you were denied it as a child?’ – 19 empowering purchases that go way back
‘A build a bear! I had always wanted one growing up but was always told no because it was too expensive. I finally decided to do it and went through the whole process of making one and filling it with love and wishes. Ya know, the whole magical process they do for the kiddos. I haven’t slept with a stuffed animal since I was little and yet I can hold onto my little bear throughout the night and wake up holding it. Whenever I feel sad or homesick I just cuddle with it and it honestly helps! It may be silly to others, but sometimes your inner child just needs something to feel safe and comforted when life gets overwhelming. And that’s ok! Don’t let anyone take away what brings you joy!’
‘A phone case with flowers on it. I was denied it (with my own birthday money!) because it looked like “old lady curtains”’
‘Lego. So much Lego. I have a problem.’
‘Weird but anytime I’m at a parade or firework show I buy whatever my tiny 5 year old self would have wanted. A light up unicorn sword? Yep! I love it intensely for that night and then give it to a friend with small children. Healing me and paying it forward. Buy the weird thing!’
‘I wasn’t denied it as a child, but we never had a recliner growing up, and I always thought of them as a Status symbol or a sign of making it or being an adult. So, when I made it, sort of, I got a recliner. Now, I’m a successful, functioning, reclining adult.’
‘Everything lol
Gaming PC, massive desk, nice desk chair. Concert tickets, alcohol, nice clothes, nice shoes. Posters, decor, everything.’
‘Grapes. Fucking grapes. They are a delicacy in my mind because my parents would never buy them because they were too expensive. The other thing–beverages in restaurants. We only ever got water.’
‘Nutella and Pop Tarts. My parents hated them. I bought both on my 50th birthday. I thought Nutella was too sweet and thick. It was difficult to spread. I couldn’t get through my first jar.
Pop Tarts are awesome.’
‘This might sound dumb but for me it was that thing that sits on the counter to hold a roll of paper towels. I was always told as a kid that we couldn’t afford to waste money on one.
Now I have one in every room to overcompensate.’
What happened as a child that to this day no-one believes you? – 19 not-so-tall tales