Life r/AskReddit

‘What’s a life hack so good you almost don’t want to share it?’ – 21 answers from people who definitely have it together


‘Keeping your mouth shut and just listening is extremely advantageous in the long run.’


‘I tell my boss and colleagues that I have to leave on time to pick up my son.

‘I actually drop him off in the mornings and my wife picks him up in the afternoons, but as soon as 4pm hits, I’m out the door, excuse myself from meetings that are running overtime etc, my boss has even started wrapping up meetings to finish on time to accommodate. (Employer results may vary).’


‘Every time I’m near a gift shop, I buy 1-2 greeting cards. I have a whole stash always available and I never have to run last minute to the store for birthdays and holidays.’


‘Do things that will make Future You thank you.’


‘When I go on vacation I always tell my work that I won’t have access to email etc.. BUT that if they really need something they can call me on my cell.

‘It turns out it’s never important enough to actually call me on vacation and the people that would normally message me, email etc.. just leave me alone until I get back.’


‘I don’t think this is as much a life hack as it is a pro tip. But being in the restaurant business for over 20 years now, if you go into a restaurant and their bathrooms are dirty then get out of there.

‘It means most likely, of course, not always, that their kitchen is just as dirty. If the general manager doesn’t care about what the guests can see, he’s definitely not caring about what the guest can’t see and that gets you such a higher chance of food poisoning.’


‘If you look for something and it’s not in the first place you look, THAT IS THE PLACE WHERE IT GOES. So when you do find it, put it in the first place you looked for it.’


‘Keeping your house clean is much easier than having to clean it up after you let it get messy/ dirty.’


‘Whenever arguing with someone and its going round and round trying to come up with a compromise ask ‘What does a solution look like to you?’.

‘Half the time they got no clue, the other half is something you willing to compromise. It has cut down every single argument in my relationship.’


‘Getting up consistently to start your day at a reasonable hour – regardless of intent to go anywhere or do anything – really does give you extra time in the week to get shit done.’


‘To get someone to like you, ask them two questions, then after the second one, validate their response. Repeat. That’s it. It’s alarmingly effective.’


‘What are some British expressions that only British people understand?’ – 23 answers that will have you chuffed to bits

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