This husband’s embarrassing leap to a very wrong conclusion should haunt him forever
We all know at heart that we shouldn’t jump to conclusions, but sometimes a situation seems to say it all, and we can’t help ourselves.
That’s what happened to Reddit user, AllAboardTheNaglfar, when he spotted something apparently incriminating in his home. He posted …
“I just got home, my wife is in our bedroom and I see this shit on the bench, felt the rage of the gods grow within me.”
He went on …
“then I turned it over.”
That could have been really embarrassing if he’d barged in and confronted her or, I don’t know, posted it on social media where it would be seen by hundreds of thousands of people.
Here are some of the best comments.
Ive dealt with pantry moths and had an ex-gf cheat on me. The pantry moth problem was worse and far more rage inspiring. And it took longer to deal with. Good luck.
Had this happen at my house only it was my wife stomping in the living room with a sliver of plastic that had ” ultra-thin” on it. We don’t use condoms so it was very weird. I diffused the situation bc I really didn’t know what it was from. A couple days later I’m making a sandwich and open up a fresh package of sliced turkey and there it is – “ultra-thin” all over the removable freshness seal. We had a good laugh.
Well, I’m off to go start a company that manufactures condoms disguised as moth traps.
0-100 and back to 0 in .5 seconds.
Dumb ass me would’ve seen that and not assumed it was a condom. I’d be like “Hmmm she left her Ramen seasoning packet on the bench. Silly girl”.
This is more popular in Japan, and is a common method used to catch your wife cheating on you with Mothra.
Just shows that investigating a situation fully, instead of jumping to conclusions, can solve so many problems.
Moth condoms are bigger than I thought they would be.
“I shall unleash my fury upon you like the crashing of a thousand waves! I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!! …oh.”
Not all stories have a happily ever after. u/Iphonealot added –
“Haha, similar thing happened to me.. except it was a condom wrapper and my wife was cheating on me.”
This wife wanted a ‘dancing Arab’ for Christmas and it’s an epic misunderstanding for the ages
Source Reddit Image Timur Weber on Pexels