Life Choosing Beggars entitled family
This spectacularly entitled sister-in-law had an outrageous favour to ask and got all the responses they deserved
We’ve featured no end of outrageously entitled characters – ‘choosing beggars’ if you prefer – on these pages over the years, but we’re not sure we’ve seen one quite so entitled as this.
It was shared by Redditor Mother_Customer7570 who was asked by a good friend to do their sister-in-law a favour.
Except it rapidly became clear that the favour expected by the sister-in-law was off the scale outrageous.
‘Literally shaking rn! One of my good friends asked for a favor. If her sis in law could stay in my guest room in Miami for her BBL appt… BIG REGRET!,’ said Mother_Customer7570.
And will you get a load of this.