Animals dogs funny animals

13 favourite moments from ‘Out of Context Dogs’ on Twitter to give you an escape from everything else that’s going on right now

There’s a time and a place for dog content, and in this day and age, that’s all the time and everywhere.

Twitter is a minefield. Facebook is the new Wild West. The night is dark and full of terrors.

And all the while, dogs remain a constant source of joy and jubilance. Here are 13 of the best photos and videos of dogs from the No Context Dogs Twitter account.

1. Exhibit A – this dangling pup, living her best life.

2. This sleeping pup, who was dutifully avoided by her human’s Roomba.

3. This handsome pup, who is totally rocking those shades.

4. These cunning pups, who are learning the tricks of the trade early, so as to beat the competition in the big leagues.

5. This horrified pup, who cannot believe what she is seeing.

6. This little rascal, who was last seen darting across Linden Avenue and causing a minor car accident…

Lost Dog poster

7. These slightly bigger rascals, who are having an absolute time of it – just don’t tell mum and dad.

8. These inspector pups, who are making sure everything is tickety-boo – or planning the heist of the century.

9. This sleepy pup, to whom we can all relate. Hang in there, buddy.

10. This dear pup, who is acting funny, and might need to be reorientated.

11. This fabulous pup, who may not realise quite how lucky she is, or what the cultural value of a quinceañera really is…

Dog having a quinceañera

12. This most adorable pup, who needs to be seen to be believed, and whose solution to a problem is to face away from it.

13. And finally, this strange-acting pup, who appears to live on a different level to the rest of us.

And more – lots more! – of this sort of thing over at @contextdogs on Twitter.

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Source: Twitter