Social Media r/MurderedByWords
We’ll never get tired of how this teacher put a rude former pupil very firmly in his place
There are literally thousands of true stories of people failing to get jobs or losing the ones they had because they’ve revealed their unappealing real self on social media – which just goes to show that you never know who’s reading your Facebook posts. When one unpleasant person decided to vent about a former teacher, he was in for a short, sharp, shock – and then another one.
In a Reddit group appropriately called ‘Murdered by Words’, someone called ReKonCIle_ shared this particularly brutal but deserved takedown.
The barb obviously hit a nerve, because the fool tried to retaliate.
Sadly for Larry, Mrs Johanson had an answer for that, too.
We have to assume she had the best-behaved classes in that high school. Reddit users were very impressed by the flawless clapback.
Redditor, GrubstreetScribbler, smelt a rat.
3/10, Scribbler. Must try harder.
This misogynist gamer got murdered by words – and the internet cheered
Source r/MurderedByWords Image Freepik