
This anti-vaxxer set themselves up perfectly for a savage burn

Just being an anti-vaxxer must be exhausting – all those Facebook groups to trawl through to confirm your ignorant suspicions, YouTube videos to watch about big pharma conspiracies, not to mention the chicken pox parties and the time spent caring for seriously ill children. One anti-vaxxer wanted to wear their heart on their sleeve, so they had their idiocy tattooed on their arm.

I’m not sure what the “lol” was about, but I suspect anti-vaxxers spend a lot of time laughing to themselves. However, their odd little post simply set up this superb takedown.

We don’t know whether they recovered from being murdered with words, but we’re certain that vaccination could have prevented it. When Redditor, tolptila90, shared the image, these comments put the icing on the cake.

Someone spotted an unfortunate element of the tattoo design – other than the wording, that is.

Source: Reddit