
We wish we loved anything as much as Percy the Bearded Dragon loves his favourite sock

Most of us have a favourite item of clothing – that snug sweatshirt, the comfy jogging bottoms, the sweater that’s equal parts wool and hole.

It turns out that even Bearded Dragons have their favourites. At least, Percy does – and his is a sock.

Unfortunately for Percy, who shares a home with Gizmo, a Leopard Gecko, his favourite sock needs to be washed every now and then – and his reaction when it comes out of the dryer is absolutely joyous.

The Dodo shared his story.

Percy’s sock devotion won hearts and minds, making him an accidental ambassador for the reptile world.

To see him cuddle his sock is just too adorable. ❤

I love reptiles… Percy is just beyond adorable! so much personality.

His little head bob!! I never imagined a reptile being cuddly!!!!!!

Him cuddling the sock with his eyes closed is the cutest most adorable thing I have ever seen! 🥰

🤣 I had no idea lizards had this much personality. He’s hilarious 🤣

This dragon has: a — sock-fetish! ❤😂

Watching him, watching the laundry is priceless. 🤣🤣🤣😍🥰😎

@lisaramaci6973 had a thought.

Wait, shouldn’t that sock have a mate that can comfort Percy when the main one is being washed? They could take turns!😄

But @Anonomaloose wasn’t sure about the legality.

Polygamy is illegal in most states, I don’t know how much this applies to reptiles though.

You can see more of Percy’s antics on his Instagram page, gizmo.and.percy


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Source The Dodo Image Screengrab