
The government tried to reassure people over the concrete crisis and was magnificently schooled into next term by Labour

As parents wondered whether they should stick a hard hat in their kids’ school bags alongside their water bottle and pencil case, the government sought to put a sticking plaster on the escalating concrete crisis in the only way they know how.


Specifically, someone in their comms department thought it was a good idea to do this, and it was left to the hapless education secretary Gillian ‘F-bomb’ Keegan to tweet it out.

And it prompted no end of ridicule and general incomprehension, and we’ve rounded up 19 of our favourites here.

We can surely all agree with this.

And the great Adam Kay surely nailed it here.

But surely the best – and definitely the most popular – response went to the Labour Party, whose official press office Twitter account tweeted this.

An A** response.

And similar – but most definitely related – was this, from the Trades Union Congress after Keegan’s infamous outburst yesterday.

Here’s just a bit of the love people had for the Labour response today.

To conclude …

Source Twitter @labourpress