Life reddit relationships sleep
13 unlikely bedtime behaviours people thought were normal until a partner told them otherwise
How normal a sleeper are you? Is there any way of truly knowing?
Fortunately – or not? – when it comes to, shall we say, NSFW acts, there’s usually someone else present to call you out on unusual behaviour. Not that there’s anything wrong with unusual, necessarily…
We say this after Acceptable_Log_6718 asked their fellow Redditors the following question:
‘What’s something you thought was normal in the bed, until a partner told you otherwise?’
I’m afraid we can’t repeat every answer. You understand why.
What we can do is cherry-pick the best, for your very own delectation. So without further ado, sorted into sleepy time (zzz…) and intimate time (XXX?) – because “I love that half these comments are answering in regards to sex and the other half are answering in regards to just being in a bed lol” (–sodawatrdeathmachine):
‘Sleeping on my back with my arms crossed over my chest in an X like I’m a vampire. I find it very comfortable. My boyfriend finds it unnerving.’
‘I’ve been described as a “Nosferatu-Lenin looking mother f–ker,” and I cannot disagree.’
‘A coworker of mine told me he keeps Gummi bears in his pillow case to snack on at night.’
‘Needing a hug pillow and a whole ass multi-step bedtime routine just to potentially fall asleep successfully. Insomnia is a bitch that has a vice grip on my soul.’
‘My husband falls asleep immediately. He said his brain shuts down and is just quiet? Like WHAT DO YOU MEAN?’
‘Up until my mid 20s, I thought it was normal for women to just sneak into bed, put their cold hands on your chest and suck all the heat out of you.’
‘It seems that having one blanket each and not just one for two is something that only a few European countries do.’
‘Rubbing my feet against the sheets to fall asleep.’
‘Always thought 1 pillow per person was the norm, my now wife has informed me no less than 4 per person is acceptable.’
‘White noise. Either a fan or just an air purifier, I find that it’s just loud enough to empty my mind but not too intrusive to fall asleep to.’
‘The other side of bedtime…
‘My hip joint starting to slip out of place in certain positions and needing to stop so I could shove it back into place.
‘Turns out I have a genetic connective tissue disorder.
‘Crashing so hard after the act. I would pass out. Sometimes for a few minutes to an hour, sometimes until the next day. After a few months of dating when I was 26, my now wife of 20 years was like wtf, as she wanted a second go. Turns out I had hypoglycemia and the deed was dropping my blood sugar dramatically.
‘She borrowed her dads blood sugar tester and tested me when I was passed out. Brought it up and then I started checking before and after, and then throughout the day.
‘What I found is that my not eating breakfast and having an early lunch and then coffee / carbs around 3 and then dinner at 7 was jacking me up blood sugar wise.
\After adjusting my diet habits it rectified withing a few days. Now I eat 4 small meals, nearly no sugar or juice for breakfast. Sugar free options for coffee.
‘Sometimes I try to make my wife giggle by pretending to be different animals, as part of a coital mating ritual that also involves foreplay. She has informed me that not everyone finds humor sexy.
Source: r/AskReddit