‘What makes you immediately dislike a person?’ – 20 absolutely instant turn-offs
“People who cut you off mid-sentence because they think their point is the only one worth hearing. It’s not just rude, it reflects a lack of basic respect for others’ opinions.”
“People who insist on giving the driving directions instead of letting you use an app and then don’t tell you when to turn until you are practically in the intersection.”
“Giving me attitude. I don’t care if your day is bad Don’t be rude to me for no reason if you’re rude to me. I’ll throw it right back at you I’m not going to try to make you feel better especially if we don’t know each other.”
– Wisteriahysteria6
“A stupid red baseball cap is all it takes these days, sadly.”
“Complaining about how the world is against them and they never get a break. How they’re broke. Don’t get paid enough. The man is holding them down.
But they never do anything about it. Budgeting. Look for solutions. Find a better job. Change their situation. Nothing.”
– Decent_Science1977
“When they treat waitstaff like servants.”
– orangestar17
“Self loathing. Not the occasional down feeling, but constant negative self talk.”
– slimwalnut
“Passing off being inconsiderate as being quirky.”
– Joseph_Paradise03
“Many people have said “when they’re mean to service workers/animals” and I would add to that list children and homeless people. I don’t expect you to play peek-a-boo or donate money, but it costs nothing to treat them like human beings. If you can’t respect a child or a panhandler that isn’t bothering you, then I can’t respect you, either.”
– pictureitsoft
“When you are supposedly having a conversation and yet they are constantly looking around, trying to see who else is around.”
– Jumpy-Peak-9986
“Being overly friendly to absolutely everyone they meet. I’m sorry, but it a real thing. Some people don’t like overly friendly people.
The “OMG HOW ARE YOU! I LOVE YOU” to Absolutely everyone you meet makes it feel like you are either 100% making up everything in your life, or absolutely crazy.”
– Routine_Umpire_3071